Teller Wildlife Refuge

Teller Wildlife Refuge is 1200 acres of bottom land in the Bitteroot Valley.  The refuge is on private land, but has a one mile nature trail.  I am guessing that this trail is easy enough for inclusion here, but please call 406-961-3507 to be sure.   More information.  Here is their website.
Hikerwithcane? The Teller Trail goes  “…. along the banks of the Bitterroot River ……. Moose, deer, mountain lion and over 145 species of birds have called Teller home. The approximate mile long trail loop can be used for hiking, bird watching and fishing the Bitterroot River.”  From Montana Birding & Nature Trail:  “Walking quietly along the one-mile private nature trail through riverside cottonwood and ponderosas, you may spot all three species of nuthatches – white-breasted, red-breasted and pygmy. Note tracks in the mud of muskrat, beaver, red foxes and even otters, and the shrill piping of spotted sandpipers along gravel bars. Great blue herons fly by in spring from a nearby rookery.”