Cranesville Swamp Preserve

Cranesville Swamp Preserve
The Cranesville Swamp Preserve lies in Preston County West Virginia and Garrett County, Maryland.    It is a 1,774 acre boreal bog which is a remnant of the Ice Age.  There are many plants and animals not usually found this far south in North America.   There are five trails, including a 1,500 foot boardwalk.   I haven’t found any information as to whether you could get on the boardwalk in a wheelchair.  Here are the websites for Maryland/District of Columbia and for West Virginia.  Nature Conservancy MD/DC     Nature Conservancy WV
Trail Guide    Brochure    Phone WV 304-637-0160   Phone MD/DC 301-897-8570
? “Although all trails are fewer than two miles and not difficult to walk, hiking boots are recommended as some trails may be muddy.”