-Massachusetts Dept. of Conservation & Recreation

Massachusetts Dept. of Conservation & Recreation
The Department of Conservation and Recreation has a wonderful page with links to outdoor activities available to disabled people.  Here is their schedule of Activities – mostly adaptive kayaking.  This is a good downloadable Brochure on Accessibility in the State Parks .  It lists accessible trails and other amenities and tells which state parks have them.  There are many more than the few I have made posts on, so be sure to look up these other accessible Parks in Massachusetts.

Accessible Trails in MA State Parks

Accessible Trails in Massachusetts State Parks and Forests  This is a great website with short descriptions of the trails and links to the State Parks and Forests they are in.
Massachusetts has “two categories of trails, Accessible and Assessed.  Accessible Trails are either paved or made from stonedust and are generally one-quarter to three-quarter miles in length. Assessed Trails are actual dirt hiking trails and offer a more rugged experience. Maps have been designed to provide information on grades, cross slopes, trail surfaces and obstacles. Assessed trails are one-half to 2 miles in length.”