Golden Gate National Rec. Area

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
The park has many interesting sites to visit including Alcatraz Island, Muir Woods National Monument, Fort Point National Historic Site, the Marin Headlands,
Here is their website and their page regarding accessibility.    
Map and Brochure Phone 415-561-4700

Wheelchair Accessible

Muir Woods has an accessible boardwalk for several hundred feet to Founders Grove. “…past the boardwalk you will encounter an asphalt trail which is usable; however, it contains potholes and severe cracks due to heaving tree roots. As funding and resources allow, we will continue to replace the existing asphalt with an accessible raised boardwalk.”  Muir Woods Brochure is available in Braille.  Accessibility at Muir Woods.

Wheelchair AccessibleThe photo is courtesy of Mark Hehir, who writes that San Francisco’s Crissy Field has “several handicap parking spots, and you have a wonderful view of the Golden Gate Bridge, and of Alcatraz Island.”

Wheelchair accessible path by Golden Gate Bridge from Crissy Field, San Francisco, CA
Wheelchair accessible path by Golden Gate Bridge from Crissy Field, San Francisco, CA ©Mark Hehir 2014