Amicalola Falls State Park

Amicalola Falls State Park
Amicalola Falls State Park 15 miles northwest of  Dawsonville, is a 829 acre park.  The Amicalola waterfalls drop 729′ in seven cascades making them the highest waterfall east of the Mississippi River.  There are several hiking trails, including access to the Appalachian Trail.
Here is their website.  Phone 706-265-4703.   Trail Map
Wheelchair AccessibleWest Ridge Falls Access Trail – 0.3 miles in length. Rated easy to moderate. Wheelchair accessible with gentle slope. One of the best views of the falls and one of the easier trails. Trail surface is flat and coated with recycled tires.
Wheelchair AccessibleLodge Loop – 0.25 mile loop. Rated easy. Wheelchair accessible. Paved surface with educational displays. Trail is lighted for early morning and/or evening use.”