Silvio O. Conte National Wildlife Refuge

Silvio O. Conte National Wildlife Refuge
“This refuge is comprised of over 36,000 acres within parts of the four watershed states of New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut….
The refuge includes nine divisions and nine units that represent a wide variety of unique habitats such as: northern forest valuable as nesting habitat for migrant thrushes, warblers and other birds; rivers and streams used by shad, salmon, herring and other migratory fishes; and an internationally significant complex of high-quality tidal fresh, brackish and salt marshes. Many opportunities exist for visitors to explore the diverse landscapes of the Connecticut River watershed.”
Brochure    Here is the Refuge website.  Thank you to S. M. Burk for sending a correction for the link.

Wheelchair Accessible     A one-mile long, universally accessible birding and natural trail is located at the Fort River division.
Wheelchair Accessible Mollie Beattie Bog boardwalk. is a 200 foot self-guided interpretive trail.

New Hampshire
Wheelchair AccessibleMud Pond Trail 0.6 mile