Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge

Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge in east central Minnesota is managed to promote the health and well-being of migratory birds and their habitat. There are upland habitats are dynamic, ranging from grasslands to oak savanna to forest, interspersed with a variety of wetland and river habitats ranging from sedge meadow to deep water marsh.  “In October, thousands of sandhill cranes converge on the refuge marshes and a visit at dawn or dusk will provide the rare treat of large flocks of birds flying in or out of the refuge. ”   Map.   Call 1-877-721-4295 or 763-389-3323  for information.  Here is their websiteBrochure
Two scenic hiking trails, the Blue Hill and the Mahnomen, provide a total of “nearly eight miles of easy walking. ”
Wheelchair AccessibleThe Prairie’s Edge Wildlife Drive, a 7.3-mile loop road, “provides vehicle access for wildlife viewing in wetlands, oak savanna, prairie openings, and woodlands. The drive is open from late April through October, or as weather dictates.”  The map shows a wheelchair accessibility icon next to this road.  Better check with the Refuge first.