Barr Lake State Park

Barr Lake State Park
Barr Lake State Park surrounds a 1900 acre reservoir ringed with Cottonwoods, marshes and aquatic plants.  It is a favorite with the birding community.
You can ride their “Eagle Express” (like a golf cart seating 14) for a naturalist guided tour.  It is available in warm weather on weekends.  Call 303-659-6005 for information.
Here is the Park website.   Phone 303-655-1495 or 303-659-6005  Trails   Brochure and Map
Wheelchair Accessible? Although the road around the 9 mile perimeter of the lake is not officially ADA compliant, it is a hard pack dirt and small gravel road and outside of serious mud and snow times shouldn’t pose a problem. From the Nature Center to a Gazebo reached by a boardwalk over the water is 1.2 miles.  In fair weather this includes a spectacular view of the Front Range, but even on a poor day, the lake, waterfowl and old cottonwoods make a pretty walk.  There is an accessible blind for wildlife observation.
Niedrach NatureTrail is partly boardwalk, and once current improvements are made, may also become wheelchair accessible, although it is a little narrow in places.
Fox Meadows Trail is easy walking, but includes a few steps.

Easy walking boardwalk, Barr Lake State Park
Boardwalk to Waterfowl Observation Point, Barr Lake State Park
view from easy walking trail around Barr Lake, Barr Lake State Park CO
Barr Lake Reservoir, Barr Lake State Park