Valley of Fire State Park

Valley of Fire State Park
58 miles from Las Vegas,  Valley of Fire State Park  is 40,000 acres of bright red Aztec sandstone outcrops nestled in gray and tan limestone.  There are “…ancient, petrified trees and petroglyphs dating back more than 2,000 years. A Visitor Center provides exhibits on the geology, ecology, prehistory and history of the park and nearby region. ”
Here is the Park website.   Telephone 702-397-2088  Facebook   Trail Map with surface and  slope details
According to “Mouse’s Tank is an easy but exceptionally entertaining, .75-mile out-and-back hike along a sandy trail through a canyon. The trail is flat, with essentially no elevation gain, if you stick to the path, and it dead ends at the Mouse’s Tank; a natural water catchment…”  The park’s trail guide claims that this trail has a 71′ stretch with a maximum grade of 21 to 31%.  Check with the Visitor  Center.