Las Vegas

Las Vegas    Parks and Recreation call 702-229‐6541
Floyd Lamb Park at Tule Springs is a  680 acre park described as “… a welcome oasis in the desert of northwest Las Vegas. With its wildlife, lush vegetation, lakes and views of the Sheep and Spring Mountain Ranges, Floyd Lamb is a natural park unique to the typical Las Vegas urban experience.”  Rated in Yelp
Thank you to Lee Birch for this description: “Just north of central Las Vegas, this park has hard, wide, paved trails. Park offers fishing, 4 ponds, and horseback riding. Full outer loop is about 0.8 miles, with internal trails in and around the ponds. No steep slopes. Suitable for wheelchairs and mobility scooters.”
Phone 702-229-6297
Wheelchair Accessible 1 mile paved trail loops around the pond.  Described in