Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Theodore Roosevelt National Park
The three units of Theodore Roosevelt National Park cover 70,446 acres of badlands and floodplain. The Little Missouri River flows through all three units of the park contributing to the diversity of habitat, plants, and animals. Periodic flooding has helped to establish cottonwood forests. Flat grasslands on the floodplains provide forage for the park’s numerous grazing mammals, including bison, deer, horses, and elk.
Here is the Park website.    Hiking Guide and Trail Map   Accessibility   Phone 701-623-4466
Wheelchair AccessibleSkyline Vista Overlook is a 0.1 mile paved, flat nature trail on Johnson’s Plateau.
Wheelchair AccessibleLittle Mo Nature Trail has a 0.7 mile inner loop which is paved and an 1.1 mile outer loop which is unpaved.   Trail brochures are available at the trailhead.
Wheelchair AccessibleBoicourt Overlook is a 0.2 mile trail with a “slight grade”.  Hard surface.

Wind Canyon Trail 0.4 mile along a canyon to a view of the Little Missouri River.