Audubon National Wildlife Refuge

Audubon National Wildlife Refuge
The refuge is 14,735 acres of “native prairie, planted grasslands, and wetlands”……”managed to provide food,water, shetler, and space to meet the need of waterfowl and other migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, and resident wildlife. ”
  Map Here is the Refuge website.  Phone 701-442-5474 .
Wheelchair AccessiblePrairie Nature Trail is accessible to wheelchair users with some help.  Thanks to Visitor Services Manager Jackie Jacobson for this description:  “The prairie nature trail is approximately 1 mile in length and has a gravel surface. ……we have found that the gravel does not stay real well packed along the entire length of the trail. We have had students who use wheelchairs and they have needed to have a person with them to help push the wheelchair, as the wheels do not always stay on top of the gravel….especially if we have had rain. The cross slope is very minimal on the trail and is considered to be accessible.  A person who is walking slowly, or using a cane or walker could navigate through this trail. It is a loop, but people are invited to hike as much as they are comfortable with, and then turn around and come back to the visitor center. “