Hawk Mountain Sanctuary

Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
“Hawk Mountain Sanctuary is the world’s first refuge for birds of prey and an international center for raptor conservation. Our 2,600-acre mountaintop preserve offers incredible scenic overlooks, eight miles of trail, a Visitor Center, native plant garden, and the Acopian Center for Conservational Learning.”
Here is the Sanctuary website.  (610) 756-6961   Accessibility  Trail Map  slide show of Lookout Trail
Thanks to Annie Trexler who writes that “the native plant garden, bird blind and south lookout are all now wheelchair accessible.”
Wheelchair AccessibleThe Lookout Trail to South Lookout is  900 feet long with a grade of less than 8.3 percent, ….. Most areas are even less steep and overall, the trail averages an 8 percent grade. …Bench seating with pull bars are located every 100 feet….Trail connects to the Laurelwood Niche, a secluded area for education programs and designed to provide space for a wheelchair or stroller.  The South Lookout includes a smooth, flat, and natural viewing area with one bench with pull bar. Nearby are two additional benches that offer a place to rest. Binoculars are recommended at all Lookouts.
Wheelchair AccessibleThe Native Plant Garden features a brick walkway that is accessible by wheelchair. The pathway makes a short loop and includes a viewing deck over a small pond. Gates are opened during the daytime hours.