Heard Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary

Heard Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary
“Escape the concrete of the city and hike over 6.5 miles of self-guided or interpreted nature trails that wind though the diverse habitats of our 289-acre wildlife sanctuary, including tall grass prairie, bottomland hardwood and limestone escarpment. Take advantage of the opportunity to encounter many species of birds, insects and animals. ”  This sanctuary is near McKinney.
Here is their website.   Phone 972-562-5566   Trail Map
HikerwithcaneWood Duck Trail  0.9  “…best view of the wetlands, partly shaded”

HikerwithcaneBluestem Trail  0.5 mile “…best view of the prairie, partly shaded”

HikerwithcaneLaughlin Loop Trail  0.5 mile jogging stroller friendly, partly shaded”