Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge

Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge
“The 6,729-acre refuge includes most of the Missisquoi River delta where it flows into Missisquoi Bay. The refuge consists of quiet waters and wetlands which attract large flocks of migratory birds. Upland areas of the refuge are a mix of open fields and a hardwood forest…”
Here is the Refuge website.    Phone  802-868-4781  Brochure  Trails Brochure
This is flat country and these trails seem to be easy from the web descriptions.  Be sure to check with the refuge to be sure they are suitable for you.
Old Railroad Passage Trail  3 miles round trip.  “You’ll pass through Maquam Bog—home to rare and unique plant species such as rhodera, pitch pine and the state threatened Virginia chain fern. The trail ends at Maquam Bay, which provides habitat for waterfowl and other water birds.
Black Creek and Maquam Creek Nature Trails 2.5 miles round trip.  “…you pass through fields that provide cover for small mammals and nesting habitat for birds, wooded lowland where you may see deer, beaver, leopard frogs, squirrels and rabbits, forest openings that provide habitat for woodcock, and wetlands providing habitat for waterfowl, reptiles, and amphibians—especially frogs.
Stephen J. Young Marsh Observation Platform and Trail 1.25 mile loop.  A freshwater wetland
Discovery Trail 1 mile loop.  Trail goes “…past ponds, through fields and into the woods to the edge of the Maquam Bog. Walk along oak islands and boardwalks for an opportunity to see deer, red fox, coyote, songbirds and birds of prey.”