Rockfish Valley Foundation

Rockfish Valley Foundation
The Foundation works to preserve the natural, historical, ecological and agricultural resources of the Rockfish Valley.  They support the Rockfish Valley Loop Trail system, Spruce Creek Park and the lands associated with them.
Natural History Center phone 434-361-0217  RVF Office phone 434-226-0446  See also Rockfish River Loop Trail    Here is the Foundation’s website.
Trail Map
Rockfish Valley Track Trail   From  “…. a flat, 1 mile loop that follows the South Fork of the Rockfish River and Reids Creek. The trail features riparian, field, and bog habitats and offers excellent opportunities for viewing wildlife.”
?  There are plans for a  the Native Plant Walk.  I don’t know if this has been completed.  From the map it looks very easy.
Spruce Creek Park
This park in Nelson consists of 35 acres located at the intersection of Rt. 151 and Glenthorne Loop. It contains the Rockfish Valley Foundation Natural History Center and three trails: The Children’s Nature Trail, the Butterfly Trail, and a birding trail. Difficulty ratings for these trails are not given.   Call ahead.