Point Bridget State Park

Point Bridget State Park
The 2,850 acre Point Bridget State Park is forty miles north of Juneau and has muskeg, meadows, cliffs,  salmon spawning streams, and rocky beaches on the sea. Point Bridget Trail is said to be easy.
Point Bridget Trail  3.5 miles one way.  Description from Alaska.org:  The trail “meanders through muskeg, mature forest, and grassland until it reaches a beaver dam and views of the Lynn Canal. Bears often visit the meadow, but leave it to fish the stream. In spring, thousands of white-winged and surf scooters swim wing to wing in one giant raft. It is quite a sight to behold. Sea lions and harbor seals are often seen near shore and every once-in-awhile a humpback whale is offshore.”
At 7 miles round trip with an elevation gain of over 400′ this trail is likely to be too long and have too much elevation gain for you to do the entire trail, although it is described as suitable for all skill levels and “kid friendly”.   The wildflowers and scenery may make it worthwhile walking part way.  Here is the park website    and a description of  Trails in Point Bridget State Park     Park Map  Park Guide
Phone 907-465-4563