Woodcock Nature Center

Woodcock Nature Center
Woodcock Nature Center in Wilton is 179 acres with 3 miles of trails through a mixture of habitats, including woods, a pond and wetlands.  The trails are open to the public 365 days a year from dawn until dusk.  “…recreation on the preserve is limited to hiking and passive activities (bird watching, photography, etc.).”
Jeanne Young, their office manager, was kind enough respond,  “I would not deem our trails wheelchair accessible in general…”  But they have had  school children on their easier trails using modified wheelchairs (with larger tires) and with assistants to help them get over roots and rocks.
“As for the elderly/infirm, a portion of some of our trails are relatively flat with minor obstacles like roots and small rocks” which can be obscured by leaves and snow.  “Hikers could travel a portion of the trails and then turn around and double back.”:
Phone 203-762-7280  Here is their website.   Trail Map
Yellow trail to the board walk that leads out over the wetlands.  Beyond the boardwalk the trail becomes challenging.
Red trail about 0.25 mile up a slight incline where it levels out turn around at green trail intersection.
lue trail 0.23 mile a level hike for the first few hundred feet. There is a slight incline before leveling out again for the remainder of the trail.