Flanders Nature Center & Land Trust

Flanders Nature Center & Land Trust
Flanders holds more than 2,100 acres of open space in trust in Woodbury, Bethlehem, Southbury and Middlebury.  This includs seven nature preserves and sanctuaries.    The trails are not wheelchair accessible, but are mostly short and some may be easy enough for you.  Call first. Phone 203-263-3711  Here is the website for the Trust.
?   Van Vleck Farm and Nature Sanctuary in Woodbury  “Landscape includes  stone walls, fields, meadows, forests, wetlands, marshes, streams and ponds.”  Trail monitor Dave says the trails are level for the most part.   Map
 Hetzel Refuge  54 acres”…includes woodlands, hay fields, conifer plantations, swamps and man-made ponds.”  Map
-Leavenworth Preserve  125 acres of wildlife habitat with “low-impact trail system.”  Map
– Fleming Preserve  28.5 acres with “…forests, meadows, trails, apple orchard, stone walls and an overlook.”  Map
– Whittemore Sanctuary 686 acres  “Ecological habitats include woodlands, streams, ponds, a large bog and abutting lake.”  Map