Five Ponds and Pepperbox Wildernesses

Five Ponds and Pepperbox Wildernesses
“The 107,230-acre Five Ponds Wilderness and the 23,816-acre Pepperbox Wilderness are part of the Adirondack Forest Preserve.”
Here is the website for the wildernesses.   Phone  315-265-3090  Map Five Ponds Wilderness -East   Map Five Ponds Wildnerness – West   Map Pepperbox Wilderness
Wheelchair AccessibleSand Pond Accessible Trail  800′ trail leading from Main Haul Road to Sand Pond in the Pepperbox Wilderness. “It passes through a woodland setting, crossing two small wetland areas over an elevated wooden boardwalk as it winds along toward the lake shoreline. There is a lake view available at the end of the trail.”